Yield Stability Analysis of Wheat Genotypes at Irrigated, He | 53403

உயிரியல் மற்றும் இன்றைய உலகம் ஜர்னல்

ISSN - 2322-3308


Yield Stability Analysis of Wheat Genotypes at Irrigated, Heat Stress and Drought Condition

Mukti Ram Poudel*, Suryakant Ghimire, Madhav Prasad Pandey, Krishnahari Dhakal, Dhruba Bahadur Thapa, Hema Kumari Poudel

Wheat (Triticumaestivum) is the largest food crop to cover the earth’s surface and the second largest crop after maize in terms of the production in the world. Demand of wheat is rising and it is expected that by 2050 the requirement of wheat would be 60% higher than the present year. Food security is the major challenge faced by human race in the 21st century. The uncertainty in environmental condition will cause a reduction of 7% in the global crop yield. The cultivation of wheat will be most affected because wheat is vulnerable to high temperature, drought and heat stress. Environmental influences are considered as the measurement criteria for genetic stability. Sensitivity of a crop genotype to the environmental factors gives rise to genotype-Environment Interaction (GEI). Breeders’ objective is to develop varieties that give high productivity under available environmental conditions. From this study GEI of the 20 wheat genotypes evaluated was found to be significant for grain yield. Significant variance for Genotype, environments and genotype by environments interaction is shown by AMMI analysis for the additive main effect and multiplicative interaction effect. The AMMI gives top model fitness while conducting a study of genotype with the environment interaction of 20 wheat genotypes in six different environments. The consideration of stability and mean grain yield is most important for multi-environment adaption trial. GGE showed that genotypes 14(NL1325), 5(NL1244) and 15(NL1326) were winning genotypes or best genotypes for irrigated, drought and heat stress condition respectively. Similarly 11(BL4708), 13(NL1260), 10(BL4707), 2(NL1202), 4(NL1211) are good performing genotypes in normal condition and can be recommended where normal sowing area. Genotype 15(NL1326) is winning genotypes for Heat stress condition and 9(BL4699) also perform better at such environmental condition and can be recommend for late sown area. Genotype 5(NL1244) is best for Drought condition, also 16(NL1327) has high yield but lower stability. So Genotype 5(NL1244) can be recommended at rain fed or water stress proned area. As per the ASV and AMM1 biplot NL1202, RR21, Gautam, Bhrikuti and NL1253, the genotypes of bread wheat were stable genotypes. These are coupled with higher mean grain yield. Besides, the genotype BL4708 has highest mean yield with good stability. So this six genotypes can be recommend as stable genotypes in normal, Drought and heat stress condition.